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Mount Moriah Baptist Church
801 Broad Street
Camden, SC 29020
Phone: 803.432.4454
From I 20 (East or West) take Exit 98, continue into Camden city limits about 1.5 miles. The church is located on the left corner of Broad and York Streets as you enter the city.
From (North and South) Highway 521 into the City of Camden, from the North the church is located on the right corner of Broad and York Streets. Coming from South church is located on the left on the corner of Broad and York Streets.
From Hwy #1 East or West - from downtown coming from West, make a left onto Broad Street. Coming from East make a right onto broad street proceed down through one signal light, the church will be located on the right immediately before the second signal light at Broad & York Streets.
Church Location:
801 Broad Street
Camden, SC 29020
Phone 803-432-4454
Contact Us...
Physical Address: 801 Broad Street - Camden, SC 29020
Mailing Address: PO Box 876, Camden, SC 29021
Phone: 803.432.4454 | Email: mtmoriahbaptistchurch@yahoo.com