Reverend  Dr. Roger L.  Harris, Senior Pastor

Reverends Charles & Patrice Davis, Associate Ministers

Rev. Dr. Sharon L. W. Black, Associate Minister

Minister George Randolph, III, Youth Minister

Minister Stanley Ashe, Associate Minister

Reverend Dionne Hough, Minister of Music

 Lil Gaines, Church Clerk

Theresa Y. Evans, Assistant Clerk

 Hessie B. Peterkin, Treasurer

Octavia Adamson, Finance Chairperson

Deacon George Randolph, Ushers Ministry Chairperson

Deacon George Randolph, Chairman Personnel & Christian Education

Deacon Franklin R. Gaines - Chairman Deacons Ministry

Reggie Perry, Chairman Trustee Ministry

Deaconess Dolores Kelly, Superintendent of Sunday  School & Missionary Ministries

Deacon Herbert Cooke, Jr., Advisory Ministry

Deacon  George Randolph, II, Deacon Steven Lyles, New Members Ministry

Secretary Mt. Moriah Association - Theresa Y. Evans

All can be contacted at 803.432.4454

If no answer, please leave a message

Ministerial and Church Staff